IEEE Okanagan Section Year End Winter Social Event (Thurs Dec 19 from 4 p.m. – 7 p.m.)

Time & Date: 4 p.m. – 7 p.m., Thursday, December 19th, 2024
Location: Room HS 101 and online in Zoom at Okanagan College (in-person and online)
Registration (is open now): (IEEE Okanagan Section) and (IEEE OK SB)
Celebrate the end of the year with the IEEE Okanagan Section and IEEE Okanagan College Student Branch! Enjoy good company, festive drinks, and delicious food as we reflect on the past year.
Our invited speaker, Martin Mallinson, has over 100 patents and founded Silicon Intervention. They work with analog neural networks and construct analog signal processors using advanced techniques.
We’ll also share details about our upcoming Section Elevation Celebration in early 2025—don’t miss it!
4:00 pm – 4:15 pm Intro (Youry Khmelevsky)
4:15 pm – 4:30 pm IEEE Vancouver (Jacqueline Nichols & Matthew Wilder)
4:30 pm – 4:45 pm OK SB (Kristina Cormier & Ajitesh Parihar)
We take a look back at this year to cover all the fun activities that students participated in and share our plans for upcoming events and activities.
4:45 pm – 5:00 pm Women in Tech (Kristina Cormier / Dolcy Sareen / Keona Gagnier / Thais Damasceno)
Celebrating women in tech and engineering. Highlighting the IEEE Affinity groups and activities. We aim to inspire and empower the next generation of women in STEM through insights and strategies for success.
5:00 pm – 5: 15 pm Open Science Principle: EDIA Research (Ajitesh Parihar)
Discussion about the importance of using open science principles for effective research along with the activities planned for the Digital Research Alliance of Canada’s DRI EDIA Champions Program.
5:15 pm – 5:30 pm Pizza & Social
5:30 pm – 6:30 pm Martin Mallinson
Martin Mallinson is the founder of Silicon Intervention. They are working with analog neural networks and constructing Analog Signal Processors using advanced techniques.
6:30 pm – 7:00 pm Round table
Martin Mallinson: With a lifetime of experience in electrical engineering, designing and developing devices worldwide, Martin would like to share his thoughts and experiences. These are very relevant to the new IEEE in the valley. The past 30 years of his work have taken place in companies in Okanagan. How can that be achieved in our beautiful valley while remaining connected to customers worldwide? We’ll hear how Martin manages to do that, the compromises, and the opportunities.
Kristina Cormier is a third-year Computer Science student at Okanagan College. She has recently discovered a passion for machine learning algorithms. Kristina is the Chair of the Okanagan College IEEE Student Branch. She assists with organizing events and volunteering. Kristina truly enjoys being a mentor and helping others.
Ajitesh Parihar is a four-year Computer Science student and a Research Assistant at Okanagan College. He is a tech enthusiast who enjoys learning about innovations and technologies and is passionate about software engineering, cyber security, and algorithms. Ajitesh is the Vice Chair of the IEEE Student Branch and enjoys meeting and working with talented individuals.
Dolcy Sareen is a third-year Computer Science student at Okanagan College and the Okanagan College IEEE Student Branch webmaster. She is passionate about learning new technologies and strongly focuses on data. She enjoys connecting with people and continuously learning from new experiences.
Keona Gagnier is a third-year Computer Science student at Okanagan College.
Thais Damasceno is the past chair of the Okanagan College IEEE Student Branch.
Photos from the event:

For further information, please get in touch with Youry Khmelevsky (email: Youry at and subscribe to the news at
Refreshments and pizza will be provided